How to play


It's just like regular 8 ball… but more fun with many entertaining twists.

6x9-flyer-updated-back (1).jpg


To start the game

Randomly select one of the 2 break cards. Solids will break!


Must make a solid on the break in order to draw a card and go again. If a stripe is made or you don't sink a ball it's stripes turn to draw a card.

The layout

The best way to keep things organized is to place the deck on a middle diamond with the stripe/solid break cards on opposing sides, discard piles in between. Purple strategy cards are placed above your break card to be used when desired.

Card layout.JPG

Types of cards

Draw a card after every shot made and follow its direction. Most cards are types of shots which come in many colors. Blue cards are Game Changer cards. Game changers mix up the game for all players. Take a regular "Normal" shot after following the change or scenario.


Green cards are beneficial to the player giving them an advantage.


Purple cards are strategy cards that are saved for later use. Place purple cards above your break card then take a normal shot.


Yellow cards are neutral.


Red cards end your turn


All balls are fair game to use whenever to complete an objective or you can even make the opponents balls in (if you call it) and still continue your turn if that helps your strategy.

2 on 2

When playing in teams of 2 alternate with your partner and draw a new card after every shot. Unless you get "Like butter" card, then don't draw a new card after making a ball and don't alternate turns with your partner because like butter you are on a roll. Shoot till you miss.


Scratch card vs scratching in a pocket

 The Scratch card ends your turn so your opponent now draws a card then places the cue ball behind the second diamond from the break side. They must shoot past that line before touching a ball.

Scratching in a pocket is a ball in hand scratch that opponent can place anywhere on the table. Still draw a card before you shoot!


If your opponent scratches in a pocket and then you draw a Blue Balls card, you still get to place the cue ball for your opponents turn because they shouldn't get the advantage after scratching

If opponent scratches and you draw a straight shooter card (shot type does not use cue ball). Place cue ball on the table then take your straight shooter shot

If shooter fails to follow the shot type and makes a ball, their turn is over and opponent gets a free ballin’ (ball in hand) for their next turn

All balls are fair game to use anytime.